Saturday 8 June 2013

Art Group Theatre Tour And Evita

Friday 7th June 2013

Hello lovlies!-the weather has really changed this week in Ayrshire-warm and sunny-I'm scared to say could this be the start of Summer?!
Not only has the weather been lovely, but I had a lovely experience this week too so I thought that I would share with you.
Very near to Glasgow is the very friendly village of Bishopton, just a few miles west of Erskine. For many years now I have gone along to the twice yearly arts and crafts fair to exhibit and sell my jewellery. Bishipton have a lovely art group who meet regularly to paint and enjoys each others company. Twice yearly they hire the village hall, where they display their paintings and hope to sell them. A few crafters also display their work and home baking and tea are on hand . The village pour out for these two yearly  swarays and its like meeting old friends! The group decided to have a theatre outing together and invited myself and family along. Ronnie, one of art group, works with the Kings theatre in Glasgow and conducts tours of the theatre. The date was set and the day consisted of tour of theatre, lunch together and the afternoon performance of Evita. All very exciting-but more so when my hero Marty Pellow (Wet Wet Wet) would be starring!
Robyn and I set off fairly early to make our way to Glasgow by train( a challenge as always with wheelchair)-arriving in Glasgow we were met by my parents and made our way to the theatre. We waited on the others arriving...joking that we had got the wrong day and the others would be late etc. Only to discover that we were a day early!!!-(muppets!!)-we did the full round trip the next morning and I had the most wonderful experience ever. Robyn could only take part in a small amount of the tour, due to the steps etc-but she was treated like royalty and saw so much. Back stage was where the real performance takes place, mostly in total darkness! The walls are old and painted black and the smell of history swirls in your head, ghosts of those whom performed on the Kings stage grab the imagination and transport you. I was over whelmed by just how many artistic people work out of the spectators view and how wonderful they are at their job. The wardrobe mistress sat with a her needles mending a costume in the darkness with only a tiny spot light to guide her fingers.
I learned that creativity is not just part of  those on stage, but those behind the scenes that make it all possible.
 Today I saw an other part of the Kings history take place and perhaps this cast will have left a little part of themselves behind for those in future years to tour the theatre and find !.
Until next time.x

Thursday 16 May 2013

My Art Studio Days.

Thursday 16th May 2013

Hard to believe we are in the middle of May and still no sign of Spring or Summer! The weather is cold and we have had lots of rain in Ayrshire. I had hoped to be sharing photographs of the Ayrshire coastline in the sun by this point!
I am however going to share a little gem about the town of Irvine, also on the Ayrshire coast. I was born in Irvine and lived on the outskirts of the town, until I married my hubby and moved to Kilwinning. I lived in Kilwinning for ten years before moving down the coast to Ayr. I still love the beach at Irvine. Its by far the nicest and has the most lovely pub at the harbour -called "The Ship Inn"-the oldest pub in Irvine!-The walls are old stone inside and have scenes of old Irvine painted on them by my former art teacher .I spent many hours down there with him, if only holding the ladders he stood on, while painting these fantastic images. Learning his skill and technique are treasures I still have, as I paint myself!
Hidden behind the Ship Inn, is a court yard, which houses a variety of art and craft studios, managed by W.A.S.P. I always wished I could be there working away on my paintings and crafts and be part of the artists community that worked so hard there. While studying for my teaching degree-I submitted an application to rent a studio, in the hope that some day I'd be lucky. Within weeks I had a telephone call  from a local artist called Jim Collins-known to many as the shipyard painter from Glasgow,also a talented musician. I was speechless when Jim called me and he even more so, that I  knew his work and was so star struck by his fame! Jim invited me on behalf on the Arts Council for Scotland to come share the studio that he worked in, owned by the Arts Council. This was a happy time and one where I learned so much from Jim as  painter and those in the other studios who were all artists using various mediums. The community sprit was special and one which I will treasure forever. During my time in the studio, I taught during the day in local schools and spent my evenings and weekends there, developing my skills with painting silks, textiles and embroidering on these. I also had a love for painting onto glass and during this time my love for making jewellery was born. Many artists and crafter have come and gone from the studios. Many treasured friendships were born and although I may not see them often, the bond of paint, and the smell of white spirit always re-kindle our friendship!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Craft and Art As A Therapy For At Home Carers And Disabled People.

Thursday 9th May 2013

I thought I would tell you a little more about myself today. If you read my first blog, you will know I love to make jewellery. My crafting helps me cope with all that goes on around me and keeps me sane!(well as sane as I will ever be-lol!)
For those of you who don't know me-I am a qualified primary teacher .I loved my job and the little people whom I worked with. I gave this love up after my second daughter was born, to become a full time mum to both my daughters . My oldest daughter-(Bob) was born with a very rare congenital right leg disability, which has involved us traveling to Great Ormond Street hospital in London. We did this regularly for thirteen years, while living in Scotland.
Bob had a very intrusive operation almost two years ago-sadly she now suffers chronic pain and has to be home tutored. I am carer and mum to my lovely Bob. Days are often hard emotionally and physically for both Bob and I .Somewhere within all the madness, I find tranquillity and peace of mind in making my jewellery. It has become a therapy for me-where I can leave my worries for a while and the magical sparkles of bead , fabric and wire allow me to transport myself to a place of calmness and normality-just for a little while.
Bob herself is now limited to what her body allows. Pain takes over her life and and has stolen her teenage life to a degree .Little, by little she is wandering down the pathway of art and music to help her deal with her pain. Her love of photography and nature is helping her see her life is worthy and just because she spends a lot of time in her wheelchair, doesn't mean she can't achieve in, or enjoy her life. Her photographs allow her to create and give others pleasure, as well of giving her a sense of achievement. Her music allows for relaxation and transports her to a less painful place-if only for a while!
So, when you look at my jewellery, or wear a piece, know that it not only does it give you pleasure to wear it, it has helped me find time for myself, helped me relax and forget my worries and given me a sense of purpose. Each little dragonfly has given me so much before it touches you!
Until Next Time!
Clare x

Thursday 2 May 2013

Inspiration For Jewellery Making

Thursday 2nd May 2013

My first Blog!!!!

Hi!-to all of you who have decided to give my blog a chance and read it. It feels a little strange writing about myself to people I have never met, may never meet and also to those of you who do know me  .Strange! strange!-but exciting too!
Thought I'd better introduce myself first-that what you do when you meet someone for the first time!
I'm Clare-a 40+ years lady. I am married to Peter-aka-Mr S!-we have been married for ever- (17Years!) we have two girlies-Robyn-(Rob) and Laurel-(Berty). We live in Ayr, coastal town in Ayrshire, on West Coast of Scotland with our two hammies-Rosie & Haggis.
Now that my into bit is done-I'll babble a bit I think . I like nothing better than being arty-creative and making jewellery!-well that and chocolate!(but they go so well together!)
Lots of people ask me -"Where did you learn to do that? "  "Where do you get your ideas?"
I have always been arty, for as long as I can remember-as a child I was always making things out of rubbish-junk modelling I think it was called!(Today!- that would be up-cycling!)
To answer the question where did I learn to do that-I really don't know!-I guess its in my genes. I had wonderful art teachers at school, who supported my love for art and encouraged me in all I wanted to do! My parents saw my talent and always provided the paint, the glue and anything else I asked for to help me be creative. The learning bit-well that's still on-going!-I teach myself-the best way to learn-is by making mistakes! (and a big mess!) I love trying new ways to make jewellery-some work and some don't!
Where do I get my ideas?-that's a bit easier to answer-I like to "People Watch"-People are fascinating -we are all completely original -in every way!
We all want to noticed and liked for who and what we are-that's fact! the way we dress and wear our hair tells others so much about ourselves. I have always been drawn to the "unusual person"-the one with the "different" clothes and "different" hair styles.  Ok ! Ok!-so where does that fit in to me getting ideas for jewellery.-I love the colours people put together-the textures and patterns of their clothes. This usually stimulates my taste buds for chocolate and being creative.
You have to know where to "People Watch!"-coffee shops are fab for this!-a window seat is the best. That way you get to see those who come into the shop and those who walk past in the street outside too. Then there are train stations!-so many people coming and going, telling their own personal story by their clothes and hair styles.
 My very favourite place for ideas and inspiration has to be Camden Town in London. The Markets along the canal side are the most wonderful array of chatter of so many languages, music from every genre and the smells of street food to make every taste-bud take note. The explosion of colourful clothes, hats & hair styles awaken every creative cell in my being. Inspiration floods me from every nook and cranny here! -Join me again soon for more arty- jewellery babble!-Clare x