Thursday 2 May 2013

Inspiration For Jewellery Making

Thursday 2nd May 2013

My first Blog!!!!

Hi!-to all of you who have decided to give my blog a chance and read it. It feels a little strange writing about myself to people I have never met, may never meet and also to those of you who do know me  .Strange! strange!-but exciting too!
Thought I'd better introduce myself first-that what you do when you meet someone for the first time!
I'm Clare-a 40+ years lady. I am married to Peter-aka-Mr S!-we have been married for ever- (17Years!) we have two girlies-Robyn-(Rob) and Laurel-(Berty). We live in Ayr, coastal town in Ayrshire, on West Coast of Scotland with our two hammies-Rosie & Haggis.
Now that my into bit is done-I'll babble a bit I think . I like nothing better than being arty-creative and making jewellery!-well that and chocolate!(but they go so well together!)
Lots of people ask me -"Where did you learn to do that? "  "Where do you get your ideas?"
I have always been arty, for as long as I can remember-as a child I was always making things out of rubbish-junk modelling I think it was called!(Today!- that would be up-cycling!)
To answer the question where did I learn to do that-I really don't know!-I guess its in my genes. I had wonderful art teachers at school, who supported my love for art and encouraged me in all I wanted to do! My parents saw my talent and always provided the paint, the glue and anything else I asked for to help me be creative. The learning bit-well that's still on-going!-I teach myself-the best way to learn-is by making mistakes! (and a big mess!) I love trying new ways to make jewellery-some work and some don't!
Where do I get my ideas?-that's a bit easier to answer-I like to "People Watch"-People are fascinating -we are all completely original -in every way!
We all want to noticed and liked for who and what we are-that's fact! the way we dress and wear our hair tells others so much about ourselves. I have always been drawn to the "unusual person"-the one with the "different" clothes and "different" hair styles.  Ok ! Ok!-so where does that fit in to me getting ideas for jewellery.-I love the colours people put together-the textures and patterns of their clothes. This usually stimulates my taste buds for chocolate and being creative.
You have to know where to "People Watch!"-coffee shops are fab for this!-a window seat is the best. That way you get to see those who come into the shop and those who walk past in the street outside too. Then there are train stations!-so many people coming and going, telling their own personal story by their clothes and hair styles.
 My very favourite place for ideas and inspiration has to be Camden Town in London. The Markets along the canal side are the most wonderful array of chatter of so many languages, music from every genre and the smells of street food to make every taste-bud take note. The explosion of colourful clothes, hats & hair styles awaken every creative cell in my being. Inspiration floods me from every nook and cranny here! -Join me again soon for more arty- jewellery babble!-Clare x

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